virtual or face-to-face

We help you avoid costly mistakes by developing an intentional strategic foundation for your business identity, that will allow you  to build a brand your target audience will fall in love with and help you move your business forward with confidence, clarity, and purpose.

Brand Strategy Workshops

the key to building an intentional brand

Developing a comprehensive brand strategy is key to a thriving and successful business.  It sets the foundation for all the decisions that are to come.  Decisions that are made objectively (goal or target audience based) rather than subjectively (perspective or opinion based) help keep you on course and connect the dots from where you are to where you want to be.  Brand strategy is the magic key to clarity and objectivity, so it becomes easy to see which decisions make sense and which do not.

The benefits of brand strategy are tenfold.  The return on investment is incalculable, as it supports your growth and revenue for many years to come.  Brand strategy allows you to position your brand to stand out from your competitors with a unique and memorable business identity.  It helps you to create clear and consistent messaging, to know what to say and how to speak to your ideal customers.  Creating a visual identity that aligns with your target audience becomes that much easier.  It allows you to craft customer experience that connects to your mission and vision. And by building a foundation that keeps future expansion and pivots in mind, it allows you to develop a brand that is growth-oriented and focused on long-term flexibility.

brand strategy allows you to connect the dots between where you are and where you want to be.

brand strategy prepares your business for growth and sets the foundation for all future business decisions.

This is for you, if:

You have an in-house graphic or brand designer, but want them to design intentionally and strategically.

You want to move your business forward with confidence, clarity, and consistency.

You want to build a brand that your target audience will connect and fall in love with.

You want to position your brand in the market in a way that it stands out from the competition.

You want to prepare your business for growth and build a strong foundation for your brand.

You want to create a foundation that all future business decisions will based upon, making them easier.

+strategy workbook
+2 strategy sessions via Zoom
+ 30+ page Brand Strategy Blueprint, that covers:
+ mission statement
+ vision statement
+ purpose statement
+ brand story
+ brand characteristics
+ brand values
+ target audience
+ customer segmentation
+ competitor analysis
+ market position
+ unique selling proposition
+ SWOT analysis
+ awareness opportunities
+ brand tone of voice 
+ creative direction

01. Virtual Brand Strategy

We have developed a highly specialized workbook full of questions and visual exercises to help us along through the the brand strategy creation process, after which, we'll discuss and strategize together via Zoom during two one-hour sessions. After our first session, we will refine and develop your entire brand strategy and you will receive a 30+ page "Brand Strategy Blueprint" for you to use internally in your organization, after which we will have a second strategy session to discuss and guide how to move forward.


timeline: 2 weeks

cost: see below

02. Brand Strategy Workshop

Our face-to-face brand strategy workshop is perfect for small teams who work and learn better in an interactive and "live" environment.  During a half-day workshop (approximately 5 hours), we'll provide branding education for your team, as well as take you through our brand strategy workbook with engaging and interactive visual and brainstorming exercises.  After the workshop, we will refine and develop your entire brand strategy and you will receive a 30+ page "Brand Strategy Blueprint" for you to use internally in your organization.

+ 5-hour face-to-face workshop
+ printed strategy workbooks
+ 30+ page Brand Strategy Blueprint, that covers:
+ mission statement
+ vision statement
+ purpose statement
+ brand story
+ brand characteristics
+ brand values
+ target audience
+ customer segmentation
+ competitor analysis
+ market position
+ unique selling proposition
+ SWOT analysis
+ awareness opportunities
+ brand tone of voice 
+ creative direction


timeline: 2 weeks

cost: see below

are you ready to develop a strategic blueprint to build your brand?

get in touch with us